
Category: Uncategorized

  • How Does Angular CLI Make Coding Easier?

    If you like this explanation, give it a thumbs up or share it to help others understand Angular CLI too!

    I like to think of Angular CLI commands as my personal home renovation toolkit. I’m renovating a house, but instead of doing all the work manually—sawing wood, hammering nails, mixing paint—I have a smart assistant who does the grunt work for me as soon as I ask.

    For example, I need a new room. Normally, I’d have to design it, measure it, get the materials, and then build everything myself. But with Angular CLI, I just say, “Hey, add a room!” (or rather, ng generate component room), and voilà! My assistant lays down the foundation, builds the walls, adds windows, and even decorates a little.

    Let’s say I want to start painting the walls—preparing the environment. Instead of going to the store to get brushes and paint, I tell my assistant, “Set up the painting station!” (that’s ng serve), and suddenly, everything is laid out for me, ready to go.

    Need to upgrade the entire house for a fresh new look? I don’t want to crawl into every corner of the structure to replace things piece by piece. Instead, I tell my assistant, “Upgrade the house!” (a simple ng update), and it figures out what needs replacing and handles the heavy lifting.

    The beauty of Angular CLI is that I can stay focused on what matters—my vision for the house. I don’t waste time hunting for tools or second-guessing measurements. It’s like having a hyper-efficient home reno assistant who handles the boring, repetitive stuff, leaving me free to create something awesome.

    The Foundation: Starting the Project

    When I want to build a new Angular project, I don’t have to create folders, write boilerplate code, or figure out configurations. With Angular CLI, I run:

    ng new my-angular-project

    This is like telling my assistant to build a sturdy foundation for the house. It generates the folder structure, sets up TypeScript, creates configuration files, and even installs all the dependencies. I’m ready to code within minutes.

    Adding Components: Building New Rooms

    Imagine I want to add a header to my web app. Instead of manually creating a folder, writing the HTML, CSS, and TypeScript files, and linking them together, I simply run:

    ng generate component header

    This generates a folder with all the necessary files:


    Now I have a fully functional “room” (component) added to my house (project).

    Setting Up a Local Environment: Let’s Start Painting

    To view and test my work in real-time, Angular CLI makes it incredibly easy. I just run:

    ng serve

    This sets up a local development server, watches for changes in my code, and refreshes the browser automatically. It’s like setting up my painting station so I can refine the walls (code) without worrying about cleaning up every time.

    Keeping Everything Up-to-Date: Renovation Made Easy

    Upgrading a project used to mean reading through release notes, figuring out which dependencies to update, and testing manually. With Angular CLI, I just say:

    ng update

    This command automatically updates Angular dependencies and flags anything I need to check manually. It’s like my assistant swapping out old materials for new ones seamlessly.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Efficiency is Key: Angular CLI automates repetitive tasks like generating files, setting up environments, and managing dependencies.
    2. Consistency and Best Practices: Every file generated follows Angular’s best practices, ensuring clean, scalable code.
    3. Developer Experience: Commands like ng serve and ng build simplify testing and deployment, saving time and effort.
    4. Easy Maintenance: ng update helps keep projects up-to-date without the headache of manual upgrades.
  • When Should You Use Angular Lifecycle Hooks? Learn with Easy Code Examples

    If this clicks with you, like and share it—I’d love for more folks to discover Angular magic!

    Imagine I’m a gardener, planting a seed in a pot. Each stage of its growth mirrors the lifecycle of a component in Angular. Here’s how:

    When I first get the pot and soil ready, it’s like ngOnInit—the hook Angular calls when a component is first initialized. This is when I’d set up anything the seed (or component) needs to grow properly, like water schedules or fertilizers. It’s my one-time setup phase.

    As the seed sprouts, I check in regularly—adjusting water, rotating it for sunlight. These adjustments are like ngOnChanges, where Angular lets me respond when data flowing into my component changes. Did someone tell me the plant needs more light? I make adjustments right here.

    Once the plant is standing tall and growing, I sit back, observing its progress. That’s ngAfterViewInit—where Angular tells me the plant’s environment (the DOM) is fully ready to interact with. Now I can stake the plant or train its vines.

    Sometimes, leaves droop or pests show up. That’s where ngOnDestroy comes in. If the plant is removed (or the component is destroyed), I clean up. I discard old soil, sterilize the pot, and make sure no harmful pests linger.

    These hooks are the gardener’s intuition—structured, mindful checkpoints to guide the growth of a beautiful component garden. I don’t water randomly or ignore pests. I use each phase purposefully. That’s Angular lifecycle hooks—like tending to the perfect garden. 🌱

    1. Preparing the Pot: ngOnInit

    This hook is like prepping the soil. It runs once, right after the component is initialized. I use it for one-time setup like fetching data or initializing default values.

    export class GardenComponent implements OnInit {
      plantType: string;
      ngOnInit() {
        this.plantType = 'Succulent'; // Initializing a default value
        console.log(`Preparing a pot for a ${this.plantType}`);

    2. Adjusting for Growth: ngOnChanges

    When new seeds (inputs) are added or updated, I adjust. This is where Angular lets me respond dynamically when @Input properties change.

    import { Component, Input, OnChanges, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';
    export class GardenComponent implements OnChanges {
      @Input() sunlight: string;
      ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
        if (changes.sunlight) {
          console.log(`Adjusting sunlight to: ${this.sunlight}`);

    3. Observing the Environment: ngAfterViewInit

    Once the garden (DOM) is fully rendered, I can interact with it. I might stake a vine or inspect the layout.

    import { AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
    export class GardenComponent implements AfterViewInit {
      ngAfterViewInit() {
        console.log('Garden is ready; the DOM is now fully loaded.');
        // DOM-dependent logic here

    4. Cleaning Up: ngOnDestroy

    When a plant is uprooted, I clean the pot. This hook is for cleanup—unsubscribing from observables or clearing timers.

    import { OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
    export class GardenComponent implements OnDestroy {
      private timer: any;
      ngOnInit() {
        this.timer = setInterval(() => console.log('Watering the garden...'), 1000);
      ngOnDestroy() {
        clearInterval(this.timer); // Clean up the timer
        console.log('Garden cleaned up; no more watering.');

    Key Takeaways

    • ngOnInit is for setup when the component is initialized.
    • ngOnChanges reacts to changes in input data.
    • ngAfterViewInit handles actions that need the DOM to be ready.
    • ngOnDestroy cleans up resources when the component is removed.

    These hooks provide a structured way to manage a component’s lifecycle, much like a gardener’s intuition. By understanding and using them wisely, I ensure my Angular components remain healthy, predictable, and efficient.

    Like in gardening, the right actions at the right time lead to flourishing results. 🌱